Friday, August 14, 2009

The Philanthropist

My name is Tamika and I am a philanthropist.

Except for the slight challenge of not having the funding needed to do said work. My heart is in it. So you must understand the excitement I felt when I found NBC's series "The Philanthropist". Not a TV fan. And even if I were, Mr. Husband hogs the remote and I refuse to have more than one set in the house. Anyhow, it is a must see.....the main character Teddy is Warren Buffet meets MacGyver (I grew up on that stuff), traveling to a different country in each episode and doing good! He is co-CEO of a company that acquires natural resources all over the world. (hence my interest) Burma, Haiti, Nigeria....I watched 6 episodes last night.

The show is loosely based on the life of Bob Sager...a Bostonian!! Funny, while I worked as a fundraiser//development professional the agency I worked for received funding from the Sager Family Foundation. I did find the workshops unorthodox but now I know why...MUST SEE TV.....I mean must see HULU.

be good. do better.look your best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the blog comment! I'll definitely be back your way... lovin everything about S&S.
